Pendulum string Quartet in Belgium

von Limpe Fuchs

Foto © Limpe Fuchs

Dear fans of my music,

I am happy to announce the installation of the Pendulum String Quartet “Between Heaven and Earth”: It was built in my workshop in Peterskirchen by Bernward Munz and is ready for playing now in Genk 3600 Belgium at PORTAVIDA Welzijnscampus 15. You can ask at the Grand Caffee.

There is also a stand with tools to strike the bronze weights – many overtones - and sticks to touch the string – bass sound.

The weights are hung on at 10.00 to 16.00 Monday to Friday – at night and during the weekend no one is available to do this job.
I would be happy, if you could plan a visit some time from March to October, the sound is magic!

Limpe Fuchs

3600 Genk (Belgium) at PORTAVIDA Welzijnscampus 15

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